Helping you feel comfortable in our care

We understand that you may be feeling anxious or worried about visiting the dentist or having a certain dental treatment. It is a common fear, affecting many patients in some way. At Enhance Dental, we can help.

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A gentle, professional approach

At Enhance, we put our patients first and have put careful consideration into how we can help you feel more relaxed. Our new purpose-built practice building has spacious and welcoming waiting areas, a place away from clinical sounds where you can gather your thoughts and feel calm as you prepare for your appointment.

We take a gentle and professional approach to your treatment, especially when we know you are feeling nervous. From the reception team who warmly welcome you to the practice, to your clinician who will talk to you about ways to make you feel more at ease, we strive to make you feel as comfortable as we can about your dental appointment and give you a positive experience.

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For particularly anxious patients, we offer dental sedation to enable you to access the treatment you need to protect your oral health. This is a safe and very effective way to help you feel more relaxed and able to sit in the dentist chair to undergo treatment. You remain conscious throughout, and able to communicate with your dentist, but in a calm state. Once treatment is complete, you are unlikely to remember much, if any, of the procedure.

IV sedation – is administered at the start of your treatment into the back of your hand using a fine needle. It produces a rapid calming effect which helps you feel ready to continue with treatment. The level of sedation is able to be tailored to your individual needs.

Inhalation sedation – is a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, which is breathed in using a special nose piece. It works quickly and doesn’t require an injection or any needles. We ensure you get the right dose to help you stop feeling anxious and able to undergo dental treatment.

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Frequently asked questions:

  • Yes, dental sedation is safe. Our trained and experienced dental professionals are skilled at ensuring you receive the right level of sedation for your needs, and are happy to talk to you and answer any questions before they begin.

  • If you have inhalation sedation, it only takes a short time, around 15 minutes, for the effects of the sedation to wear off. You will be able to drive yourself home from your appointment and return to your normal daily activities.

    If you have IV sedation, it takes longer for the effects to wear off, so you will need someone to help you get home. You may feel drowsy and as such should take time to recover at home after your appointment.

  • If you are feeling very anxious or worried about the prospect of visiting the dentist, please talk to us about dental sedation. We can talk to you about the types of sedation and see if it would benefit you.

  • You shouldn’t feel any pain from treatment with sedation. It makes you feel very relaxed and in a comfortable, calm state. If necessary for your treatment, we administer a local anaesthetic after you have been sedated.

  • There are ways we can help you feel more comfortable about visiting the dentist, even if you choose not to have sedation. We ask you to let us know if you are feeling nervous, or have had bad experiences in the past, so we can tailor our care. We discuss your treatment in as much or little detail as you are happy with, and welcome you to listen to music or your favourite podcast if this will help.

Please contact us to find out more or to book an appointment

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Opening Times

Monday08:30 – 19:30
Tuesday08:30 – 17:00
Wednesday08:30 – 17:00
Thursday08:30 – 17:00
Friday08:00 – 15:00