When it comes to any type of surgical procedure, it’s important to understand exactly what to expect. Dental implant procedures are no exception.

We want you to be sure you can truly benefit from this treatment before making any decisions to go ahead. This article will take you through some of the mistakes our patients have unfortunately made in the past so you don’t have to!

Falling for offers which aren’t realistic

The reality is, high-quality dental implants are an investment. So if you’re being offered a low-cost plan, you’re likely to end up with an inexperienced dentist or poor-quality implants which can lead to serious health problems down the line.

People often use the internet to search for a clinic, but it’s very easy to make claims online. And since the treatment has grown in popularity, the market has become saturated with inexperienced dentists who are advertising it as a primary treatment in their office.

Going with a cheap deal may see your clinic taking shortcuts, in an attempt to economise. This could include skipping bone grafts, which are costly but necessary for patients who need more support for the implants to fit and last.

When it comes to your health, it’s important you don’t cut corners. So it’s good to have an educated discussion with an experienced professional before you book your implant procedure.

Having an inexperienced dentist

If you take one thing away from this article, it should be this: have your procedure carried out by an experienced dentist. First and foremost, they should carry out an examination to ensure you’re suitable. Your biocompatibility and medical records must also be considered when making this decision.

There are more than 150 companies that produce implant components. The most established and well-known implant companies are Nobel Biocare, Straumann, and Dentsply Sirona. All have been in business for more than 30 years – enough time to produce, collect and study data/evidence on the long-term effectiveness of their implant technologies. In addition, the implants they produce are popular and accessible worldwide, so it’s easy for dentists to obtain replacement parts.

It’s very important to make sure that your implant is from one of these companies. Many companies fall out of business and the support is sometimes poor so that it is difficult for dentists to solve problems or restore these implant systems.

Not allowing enough time for recovery

It’s crucial you give yourself enough time to recover following the procedure so your implants can form a stable bond and serve their purpose without any issues. This is less likely if you choose not to follow the aftercare guidelines provided by your dentist.

You should also know that it can take several hours for the local anaesthetic to wear off. So it’s advisable you refrain from consuming any hot food or drinks during this time. Slight swelling is a normal occurrence after surgery so it’s worth giving yourself 24 hours of complete rest. In addition, you’ll need to access a pharmacy for any prescriptions you may be given for pain and infection prevention.

Not taking care of your implants

To ensure you heal well, it’s advisable to consume liquid food during the first 48 hours, such as soup and yoghurt. Soft foods, such as mashed potatoes and oatmeal can be taken following this. It’s best to avoid crunchy, hard foods like nuts for one week following surgery. Smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages should be avoided.

Correct oral hygiene is essential to good healing. Using an antibacterial oral rinse or warm salt water rinses regularly throughout the day, especially after meals, is a great way to keep the area clean. However, commercial mouthwashes or sprays can be too harsh and should be avoided. Your dentist will tell you how to care for your new smile and invite you into the clinic for check-ups to ensure the implants are still working well for you.

Do you think dental implants are for you? Then get a FREE dental implant consultation and claim a free CBCT scan: Free Dental Implant Consultation. (We’re able to provide a limited amount of free consultations each month due to a high volume of patients).

Please contact us to find out more or to book an appointment

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